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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Friday was shaping up to be a good day.  The Journey is in the body shop at my dealer getting the key scratches repaired, should be done by next Wednesday.  I received the checks to pay for the repairs on both my Civic and the Journey from my insurance company.  We were going to to pick up the Civic from the body shop.  (They did a great job, it looks like new.  You can't tell where it was damaged).

So there I was, humming a tune along with the XM radio in the Element as I was driving home.  Everything was falling into place with the recovery from the vandalism.

Then...CRACK!  A tiny stone hit the windshield on the Element, just a half inch from the window frame.

The glass instantly cracked over a foot long.  If I had been driving the Civic, the stone would have passed over the roof.  The Element is a much taller vehicle.

My insurance company is going to love me.  I think I'll wait until October to contact them about the windshield and give their checkbook a chance to cool off from the claims I filed this month.
This is going to be windshield number six in the Element since I bought it new in 2003.  I think the design of the glass construction on this model is too thin.

Too funny.  Maybe my humming was too loud??? ;c) 

Anyway, we've touched base with our realtor friends and will be meeting with them in a week or so to discuss our plans for putting the house on the market.  We're not going to worry about the minor things in life.

We'd rather look for that "SOLD" sign.  ;c)

Thanks for visiting and please feel free to leave a comment.


  1. darn rocks.!!!..good luck with selling the house..hope it sells quickly!!!

  2. Just be glad the windshield was there. I can't imagine all the bugs and grit that would get in my mouth as I sing to the songs on the radio.

