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Thursday, February 23, 2012

I've Got A Secret

What did we do yesterday?  Rest assured, no bail money is needed.  If we tell you, it might ruin things for somebody else.  We wouldn't want to do that...right?

We're in Pensacola, Florida at the Blue Angels FamCamp for the next seven days.  We are on the wooded side (of two areas, the other is closer to the water) and for the first time in months, we had to drag out the portable satellite dish to get a TV signal, Marti has to have her American Idol.  I like that show like she likes museums, it's enough to make me want to go shopping.  :cO

A little problem has developed on the Element, yesterday at a fuel stop I did my routine starting of its engine to circulate the transmission fluid, I noticed a drip coming from it.  Yep, antifreeze.  Looking closely, it appears the radiator is leaking.  I picked up some stop leak at the store and put it in and topped off the antifreeze level.  So far, it appears to have stopped the leak until I can get it to a Honda dealer.  The nearest one is over 50 miles away.  We'll keep an eye on it and carry some extra antifreeze with us until we get to South Carolina.  I've been a stickler for maintenance and before we hit the road I had the radiator hoses and the water pump replaced.  Sometimes, you can't win.

So tomorrow we'll reveal why we're being so secretive. A hint:  It has to do with a red head (and it's not Marti).  Stay tuned, it'll be fun.

Thanks for visiting and feel free to leave a comment.



  1. Hmm... Does this redhead have long shapely legs and lots of bling??

  2. And, guess what I'm watching while I read your blog ... AMERICAN IDOL!! My favorite show.

    We love Pensacola and especially someone that's there. Take care enjoy yourselves. We certainly don't want to hear about problems. Well, it's not that we don't really want to hear about them. We just don't want you to experience them.

  3. I also watch American Idol :) has a lot of great talent this year for sorry about the car problem....hopefully the stop leak will tie you over ;)

  4. Trying to remember if one if the grandson is a redhead??

  5. Bummer on your Element. Hope your quick fix holds up until you get to SC.

  6. Nothing like a cliffhanger to bring your readers back :-)

  7. Well, you've got our interest!! Is Marti OK with another Red Head in your world?!?!

  8. Hmm..Merikay might be right..a puppy? We haven't seen your other little 'puppy' in pictures lately!

  9. throwing us bait to come back by huh??? Ok we will! Hopefully you'll get a chance to see the Blue Angels practice while your there...
    Have fun & Travel safe

  10. You two are amazing - Oregon, Quartsite, Texas, Florida ZOOOOMMM!

    Gee you are only about 350 miles north of us. Why don't you drop by for dinner???

    I know the car woes deal. Hope yours turns out to be easy and inexpensive.

    Red head??? Hmmmmm.......I'm thinking grandson for S.C. Is there a prize if we guess right??
