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Friday, November 9, 2012

Staying On The Road

We left the campground this morning and drove over to our investment advisor’s office.  There was good and bad news.  The good news is we haven’t lost any money.  We’ve actually increased our portfolio a bit.  The bad news?  The increases probably won’t keep pace with anticipated tax increases.  And we’re not even in the 1% category.  ;c)

But the really good news is there is enough for us to continue our new full time life.  So that is really great news and we’re thankful.   We’re staying on the road.

We finished our meeting and got rolling again, driving through the beautiful Shenandoah Valley.  As usual, we had a little headwind, but it was much better than the other side of the highway.  Even though they had a tailwind, traffic was backed up for miles due to some road construction.  We were happy to be on the headwind side.


The Journey has been running well.  I think the very last of the biodiesel has been purged out of its fuel system.  One item I have used and have been very happy with is this fuel additive:


It keeps the fuel pump and injectors clean which makes the engine run better.  It is available at Walmart for about 8 bucks and treats up to 100 gallons per bottle.  Since the engine missing episodes, I keep a couple of bottles on hand, just in case.  We intend to stay on the road instead of alongside it waiting for a tow truck.

We didn’t get as far as we wished (159 miles), so we pulled into a friendly Walmart and are spending the night.  We spent a bundle to restock the Journey’s larder for the next couple of weeks.  Tomorrow, we have about the same distance to go to the state park we’ll be camping in for a week or so.  Hopefully there won’t be any snow to great us (or keep us there).

Thanks for visiting and feel free to leave a comment.



  1. Wow, only 159 miles? You musta had the shakes! Glad that your investments aren't doing too badly :)

  2. I am so glad that you are getting a handle on that PDD. Good job!

  3. I'll bet with only 159 miles you thought you had the day off, but then again it does take time to count all your money.

  4. Very proud of your mileage. Well done!! I've always wanted a financial advisor but I don't seem to have enough money to invest for them to be interested at this point.

  5. You did good with only 159 miles. Glad to hear you'll be able to continue your current lifestyle. It does become addictive. Even with that tax increase you mentioned, things should be good. Enjoy yourselves!!!

  6. Gotta watch those Walmart campgrounds you know. They can get really expensive and cut into that investment income. Here's hoping you can stay on the road for many years to come.

  7. good show safe and sound wally safe you two!!!

  8. Slow and Steady wins the race!! Goes for finances and you had a great day:o)

  9. Glad you are able to stay on the road so that we can continue to enjoy all your adventures!

  10. If things go south, there is still working camping or being a greeter at Walmart. They are everywhere and maybe you could work a deal for long term camping in the parking lot:)

  11. Such a huge step for you two...159 miles...WOW!

  12. That's great news about your investments and being able to stay on the road. Your friends here obviously feel you need to slow down just a tad!!

  13. 159 is perfect. Glad you feel good about staying on the road for a while.
