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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Marti's Musings: Giving Back

Paul and I have always been ones to 'give back' - in various ways.  We are a Christian couple, and through the years have been active workers in our local church.  Ok, so - we hit the road, and now what?  Sure, we can find a local church to worship in, but how do we give back, or so called in Christian circles - serve?  Paul came across an organization that is for Christian RV-ers and is all about 'giving back' or serving.  I have done some basic research, and it appears that we may just have found our avenue to serve.

It called SOWER - Servants On Wheels Ever Ready.  The organization takes on construction projects for churches, religious schools and groups. The workers supply the tools and labor, the project recipient supplies the materials to build with. The workers get a campsite for free for the time of the building project.

Basically, you must apply and be accepted to become part of this ministry.  After that, you receive newsletters, which includes lists of available opportunities.  The commitment is for 3 weeks (6 hrs a day for the men, 3 hrs a day for the women) and the 4th week is FREE, when you can stay put for the week to sight see, relax or head out.  You can do as many or as few as you'd like through the year. 

Mind you, there are several of these organizations out there - this one just seems to be the one that will fit us.  Also note, we don't receive a salary - it is purely volunteer work.  But you know what they say: "The pay not be much, but the retirement benefits are OUT OF THIS WORLD".  ;c)

So, I guess we will pursue that in anticipation for our retirement and full timing.  Oh, and that ministry/opportunity is also available for semi-retired folks..  I will keep you posted - we will send in our application and await their decision.  Just one more detail to work out in anticipation of our retirement/full timing.

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