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Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'm Impressed

Just a quick note, we made it to our daughter Heather's and SIL Brian's new home in SC.  The boys were great, they watched four Looney Tunes DVDs and were a joy to have with us. 492 miles in 8 1/2 hours, not too shabby.

The kid's new house is amazing, they now have twice the space and it cost half as much as their old house in NJ.  All the aggravation they went through with a job change was worth it.  I'm impressed with their home and how good my grandsons behaved. 

We're looking forward to more trips with them in the future, Andrew wants to see the bats fly out of Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico one day, so that will be on our list.  Of course, we'll be using the Journey for that. :c)  It's a wonderful thing to have your own bathroom with you!

So we're having a great visit and enjoying the new home with the kids.  I'll post some pictures when we get home because I'm on my Netbook instead of my usual laptop.

Thanks for visiting and please feel free to leave a comment.

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