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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Out Of GBs

Yep, we’ve hit the 20GB cap on our Millenicom MiFi so we’re off line until 1 August.  Fortunately a nearby Dunkin Donuts free WiFi is close by to check our email.

We think the large amount of usage is because of Marti’s iPhone and iPad settings to her Facebook page that was automatically downloading every posted video on both units.  She has gone into her settings and adjusted that to stop.

So rather than buying another 20GBs of data from Millenicom for the rest of July (no refund or rollover on unused data), for the next day or so we’ll just have to check in on Dunkin Donuts free WiFi. 

Oh darn, pass me another glazed donut…  ;c)

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  1. Yikes. We're on the internet a lot and the most we've ever used in a month is 15 GB. And that includes downloading the odd movie and television show. But we also have our laptops set so that they don't download any updates or do anything automatically.

  2. We are still on the Millenicom 3G 20gb plan and never come close to hitting our 20gb even though we are online all the time. This is interesting because every time I've been tempted to upgrade to 4G I hear horror stories about 4G eating up data lickety split! I think we'll just hang in there, a little slower, but definitely useable and lots of gb's to draw from.

  3. We have a 5G limit and almost never go over even with the mega blogs I post. Another reason for me to be happy I don't do facebook. But we'll miss you in the meantime although I must say if you have to use free wifi Duncan Donuts is great. Send me a couple coconuts if they still make them.

  4. We have the same Millenicom plan you folks do but haven't quite bounced off the 20 Gig mark yet despite all my big blog photos every day. Luckily we don't have any of our phone stuff attached to it & not being gamers or big You Tube watchers we have so far been able to come in under the line with both of using 2 laptops every day. As for donuts.....Apple Fritters work the best for me:))

  5. Some guys will do anything just to get a donut!!

  6. Donuts give me indigestion, and so does reaching my GB limit. ;)

  7. Whew! For a second I thought you were out of grand babies.

  8. I'm happy we still have "unlimited" data for now thru Verizon. Yes, I've read the reports that Verizon is trying even harder to eliminate these accounts. We never d/l movies, TV shows, or the like, but still use a lot of data. I believe my tops was 27 GB for our account.

  9. Nice there is free WiFi, we are on a pretty good park wifi this so not using our millenicom GBs.

  10. Yikes! That's definitely a lot of usage. I bet you are both in withdrawal too.

  11. And Jim and I are getting close to our 8gb limit. Can't imagine what we'd do with 20. It's hard to be out of the gb thougt and have to depend on somebody else's wifi. See you in a couple of days if you survive the sugar high.

  12. Rick's comment is spot on. Hope the month rolls over befor new clothes are needed.

  13. MmmmmMMmmm, once in a while I've just gotta have a chocolate old fashioned glazed!

  14. I personally think it is a scam- we had Millenicom for 3 years and never reached our limit until they got purchased by Verizon. Anyway, we never bought more data and they never cut us off.

  15. Those donuts can be addicting you may just have to continue to go there everyday.

  16. Kindle and DropBox, too ... help eat of GBs behind the scenes. Had that happen one month and couldn't figure out how we had gone over our 20GB limit ... that was before the new rules about having to buy the additional GBs. Millenicom used to turn a blind eye to the occasional overage ... it was our only one in three years of being with them. At the moment we have our GBs supplemented with the wi-fi here at GWRVR, so the pressure is off.

  17. We considered switching to Millenicom, but we heard too many stories about problems going over limit. Enjoy your donuts.

  18. When we are at home I set the computers for automatic updating. Just before we hit the road I sit for close to an hour resetting everything so it will not update. Since we only use a 10 Gig plan we make side trips to Fast Food places that have the free WiFi to do our updating.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  19. We've been so lucky to have free WiFi in our workamping jobs, that our data limit is 2gb on our Verizon plan. We've gotten close at times, using our smartphones when we're out of range. I sure miss having unlimited data!
