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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Leaving My Mark

Nothing too exciting going on at the COE, summer wrapped up with the Labor Day Weekend.  Despite lots of heat, people made the most of the last summer weekend and we spent three days covering a gate house at one of the day use areas.

With the approaching fall, it's now time to start shutting down the parks and getting things put up for the winter.  I was out the other day without Marti, who was helping her sister Gail move in to her new house down the street from our still building house.  I was collecting life jackets from the loaner board at the beaches around the lake.  Since most of the COE beaches are now closed, the life jackets are removed, cleaned, inspected, sorted and stored to be ready for use next season.

All was going good until:

I backed into a tree at one of the parking areas.  Barely tapping the tree at a speed of slower than a walking pace, the bumper buckled right in to the quarter panel, bending it too.  Of course, to make matters worse, it was the boss' truck I was using.  I certainly have left my mark on the COE!  :c(

We checked on the house build today, it's coming along, the kitchen cabinets have been installed.  Marti is wondering how they are every going to clean up the mess.

Tuesday is my surgery date for my plumbing reconnection.  I'll be so glad to get this "behind" me.  Anticipating a 3-5 day hospital stay if all goes well and a couple months recovery to get back to normal.  I'll have to hibernate my motorcycle for a while,too.

Just wanted to give an update so you don't think I fell off the face of the earth or have been abducted by aliens...

Thanks for visiting and feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Oh my :) Good luck on your surgery to 'reconnect'. I'm sure you (and Marti) will be happy to have that done.

  2. Wanted to wish you luck with the surgery. Exactly 1 year ago, I had half of my colon remove . No colostomy, thank God but a huge incision. I felt much better after a month of recuperation.

  3. Somehow it's not a good thing to bash up the boss's truck. Did he leave some dents in you? We are looking forward to a post from you after your surgery telling us how wonderful you're feeling. Well maybe not feeling wonderful but that everything is over with except the recovery. Sending prayers and hugs out your way.

  4. I had my reconnect two years ago. It was such a relief to wake up and see it gone. It took me a while to recover but it's worth the wait. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  5. You must be doing the happy dance with so many good things going on. So thankful that you are having positive experiences. Yes, I know, there's the matter of the bumper. They just don't make vehicles like the used to, do they.

  6. Nice to hear from you and good luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery.

  7. Hopefully your reconnection will be nice and easy. Take it easy and you'll be back on the road (and in your new house) faster than you think.

  8. Here's hoping thing go well with your surgery Paul!

  9. We'll be keeping you in our prayers that everything goes well with your surgery and recovery.
    After a similar experience backing a pickup like a car I learned to do it using the side mirrors not looking over top the tailgate. No problems since.
    Tell Marti the Contractors have to clean up their own mess so she can relax until it's time to move in.
    Looking forward to reading of your new adventures.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  10. Good luck with your surgery, I hope it all goes well and you will be back on your feet in no time!

    We had a worker here leave her mark on someone's new 5th wheel when cutting the grass with our Zero turn mower and a few weeks later ran over a satellite cable with said mower. Accidents happen.

  11. Very glad to hear from you and know all is well. Bumpers have become decorative now and totally useless IMO. They can't bump anything like the good old metal ones could. What a stupid change and I've never heard about one consumer complaint. Hope your hospital stay is easy and all goes perfectly. SSo to speak. :-)

  12. Very glad to hear from you and know all is well. Bumpers have become decorative now and totally useless IMO. They can't bump anything like the good old metal ones could. What a stupid change and I've never heard about one consumer complaint. Hope your hospital stay is easy and all goes perfectly. SSo to speak. :-)

  13. Hoping for a speedy recovery! Health issues aren't for sissys, nor is building a house! I enjoy your blog.

  14. Well, better the bosses truck than yours:) As usual I am behind in my reading. I am sure your surgery went well!!
