It’s been a while, actually, too long, since I gave my aluminum wheels on the Journey some TLC. And as a result, they showed it.
The wheels were looking as dull as reading the IRS tax code (sorry Sandie). So what to do? Off to Walmart for some supplies.
Mothers makes some polishing balls (about $20, each) as well as polishing compound. The balls attach to my cordless drill.
Have I even mentioned cordless drills are one of mankind’s greatest inventions?
I removed the lug nut covers with special pliers, available at Camping World.
And I popped out the center hubcap. It makes it easier to polish.
I smeared some polish around the wheel and went at it with the drill.
After about ten minutes of running the polishing balls around, I wiped off the wheel with a couple of clean rags and then gave it a light buffing by hand. Looks pretty darn good.
Before putting the hubcap back on, I checked the fluid in my oil filled front hubs. You folks that attended Camp Freightliner may remember this.
Yep, all good here.
Then I reinstalled the lugnut covers, giving each one a light tap with my rubber mallet.
Finally, the hubcap. Make sure to line up the hubcap properly with the grooves in the hug or it won’t fit right. They cost $35 if you lose one.
On to the rear wheel.
Rear wheels have a hubcap held on by a large nut. You can remove the nut with a special wrench that Freightliner sells, or with a large pair of slip joint (water pump pliers for us old timers) being careful not to squeeze too hard to mar the nut.
Now a tricky part. On the right (passenger side) wheel, the nut is a “righty tighty, lefty loosey”. On the left (driver side wheel), it is exactly opposite: “LEFTY TIGHTY, RIGHTY LOOSEY!!!” Just so you know. Did they teach that at Camp Freightliner?
With the hubcap off, you’ll see this:
This is what the nut screws into for attaching the hubcap.
After that, you can polish away. Then wipe, hand buff and reinstall the hubcap and lugnut covers.
Wow, now I can see myself!
Scary, isn’t it? :c)
Clean up is easy, just spin the balls in a bucket of hot water and dry with a rag.
I spent about two hours, start to finish, taking my time. I should do this again in a couple of months. I’m a little (okay a lot) embarrassed that I let my wheels look so dingy.
Now that I’m in a polishing mood, I think I’ll go brush my teeth. :cD
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