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Monday, June 6, 2016

Journey Without The Journey

My emergency eye surgery for a retina detachment made a huge change to our travel plans.  I can't drive because of the blurriness in my left eye, so we had to leave the Journey in South Carolina as we headed up by car to Missouri.  Marti did all the driving, it took us two days to get there.

Our son Ryan was receiving his commission as a Chief Warrant Officer in the Coast Guard and there was no way we were going to miss the ceremony.

My dad was able to come from New Jersey, accompanied by our other son, Corey.

I got a chance to speak, telling the audience of our family traditions.  Ryan is the seventh Coastie between our two families' (Marti's and mine) history.

I was honored, as a retired Coast Guard officer, to administer the oath of commission to Ryan.

Then I had the honor, along with Ryan's wife, Amber, to place the CWO shoulder boards on his uniform, shoulder boards that I had once owned.

Our newly commissioned Coast Guard officer.

But wait, there's more!  Corey presents his brother with an officer's ceremonial sword, purchased by our family as an heirloom to mark this special day.

A sword, you ask?  Aside from ceremonial occasions, what use does a sword have in this day and age?

To cut the cakes!   Little Beka supervised her daddy cutting the cakes.

After the ceremony, we headed down to see the cutter Ryan had been stationed on.  He's transferring to a new assignment on the West coast.  We're glad we have the Journey, it's going to get some new miles on it as we head out there to visit, hopefully a lot.

My dad, a World War II veteran, enjoyed the day and took in the sights of the Mississippi River in flood stage with all kinds of debris floating along.

It was a great day.  One proud mom with her two boys.

Thanks for visiting and feel free to leave a comment.


  1. What great family traditions and memories!

  2. What a wonderful day for all the family!!! You and Marti must be so proud of all your children. You've done good:o))) Now get your health all tuned up and carry on!!

  3. Such a very cool day! I agree, time to get healthy and roll on!

  4. Now that's one very proud family, so nice that your were able to make it and your Dad as well.

  5. Glad the entire family got into this special occasion for your son Ryan. The family tradition carries on. Does that mean he'll be leaving his cap on a retired ship someday?
    Marti don't go for the PDD awards.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  6. So glad to see you were able to be part of this special day in your family. Everyone looks so happy and proud as they well should be.

  7. What a great time. Thanks to everyone for their service.

  8. Congrats to Ryan and to you and Marti! I sure hope your eye blurriness is just temporary. Good to see your dad again.

  9. No question that I understand how proud you must feel. Congratulations to Cory and to you for the honor that was bestowed. You looked like you were traveling incognito with those sunglasses on but I see you eventually took them off. Maybe someone recognized you?

  10. June 7, 2016
    What a great time for family sharing together.

  11. Congratulations to Ryan! What a wonderful day for the whole family. You guys have every right to be very proud. Don't tell my father, but I think your dad looks even better than mine. Shhh

  12. Congratulations to Ryan! What a wonderful day for the whole family. You guys have every right to be very proud. Don't tell my father, but I think your dad looks even better than mine. Shhh

  13. Congratulations to Ryan on his commission. A proud family tradition of serving continued.
