The old adage: Time flies when you’re having fun, certainly applies to us. All the struggles of getting a house ready to sell and then selling it and hitting the road full time in December2011 has been worth it.
A year ago tomorrow I retired from the U.S. Coast Guard and started my full time work updating and painting our house to sell. It’s hard to believe that I’m no longer a rookie retiree, I have survived my first year, sold the house, hit the road with my bonnie bride and survived to tell about it. If I never hold another paintbrush…
Many wonderful people have come into our lives over the years, and many new ones since we started full timing. Last night we got a chance to see some unusual friends, unusual in the way that not only are they friends of ours, but of our son Ryan’s and daughter Heather’s.
Matt and Kristen lived in Charleston, SC when we first met them. Matt and Ryan were stationed together in the Coast Guard and had deployed to Gitmo, Cuba after 9-11 to work in the port security unit there.
Ryan later was transferred to a cutter in Charleston and introduced them to Heather and SIL Brian, who was also stationed in Charleston, with the Navy. We got to know Matt and Kristen more as time went on and visited with them at times when we were visiting Ryan and Heather, who lived just blocks from each other on the Navy base (that was really convenient).
Matt and Kristen visited us in Virginia, too. Last night we got a chance to visit with them once again in their new home near Charleston on a beautiful eight acre piece of property. You know where this is going, don’t you? Yep, an open invitation to park our Journey at their home whenever we visit the Charleston area. I won’t call it “Moochdocking” any longer, so I’ll now call it “GAFH”,(Gladly Accepting Friend’s Hospitality).
Sometimes the beautiful places we travel makes our fulltime life great, sometimes being with family makes our fulltime life great and sometimes the wonderful friends, both old and new make our fulltime life great. So much to be thankful for.
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